Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Big Boy

I have a big kid! He doesn't seem big to me, until he's laying next to babies nearly twice his age. Look at this picture I stole off my friend's blog (thanks Maralee!). Here he is at a baby shower this past weekend. He's 3 1/2 months, and here he is lying next to 6 month old Jackson and Jack. Notice that there is NO difference in their size.

Oh, well, I wouldn't trade what I have for anything. Even if it means getting caught jumping ahead in clothing sizes and hauling around a few extra lbs in the carseat. I love love love this big man!

On a side note, our camera is broken right now and hopefully will be back by Addie's birthday in 10 days (or, more hopefully, they'll have to replace it with a new one as we have a replacement plan on it!). Bummer, too, because tonight Max was making Hudson giggle just by smiling at him. Cutest thing! Then he was giggling when I was bathing him and washing under his chin. I love this stage!!


The Gray Gang said...

Ha! Hudson can definitely hold his own! Your camera is broken, ours is missing. Julia was laughing this morning and cooing and the whold bit. I video taped her, but I can't find the dang camera to catch a smile with.