Monday, May 18, 2009

"Look what I did Mommy!"

I guess I should have expected it. Every child goes through this phase, but I was really trying to avoid it.

Addie greeted me getting out of the shower (no contacts in so vision was limited) by telling me she made her hair pretty for 'crazy hat and silly sock' day at preschool. She was holding something in her hand, and my stomach filled with dread. I scrambled to put on my glasses, then started crying when I saw she was holding a magazine piled high with beautiful blond hair. This was about an hour before I needed to leave with her for school, so I started to panic. I just didn't know where to start. Unfortunately, in my panic I forgot to document the event so there is no picture of her handiwork. Thankfully, she just cut her top pigtails (not her bangs), and she left several inches. But I did have to whack off around 5 inches in the back. Can't let my little girl be seen in public with a mullet (that's exactly what it looked like), but I just didn't know how to handle it. So, the next day, Addie and I went to Great Clips and she had her first professional haircut.

Let the record show, I did talk to her a few months ago about trying out short hair. Mostly because she was complaining so much about me combing through her hair. She turned me down, though. I guess she just wanted to try it on her own terms.

She went from this... this

Oh, well. I think it's actually kind of cute. Just a little shaggy that needs to grow out longer before I'll even it out. When she saw how upset I was, she came up with a great idea. "Let's get it cut longer now!" Ah, the innocence of a child. What was I thinking having three kids. Too many to keep my eyes on!


Jen I said...

Oh no! You're right though - EVERYONE goes through it. Still cute, but she had such darling little pigtails!

lindsy said...

ahhh! the good thing is that it grows back later if you want it long again. Sometimes I wish I could get mine 'cut long' too