When we moved to Milwaukee, we thought that we would be here no more than 5 years (4 1/2 yrs ago), then move on to bigger and better things. Then, last year we endured the 2nd worst winter on record (the worst was in 1892 or something like that). After that, Corey declared that we were NOT going to spend another winter in this place! Well..... here we are.
This past Friday, we were 'blessed' with about 14 inches of snow. And not the first snow of the season, either. I think we are ahead of last year's snowfall at this time. I have been kind of sissy about the snowblower, and have not used it this year. Luckily, Corey has been home during each of the previous storms, so he just takes care of it. Last week we got a few inches while Corey was out of town, and I was just going to clear a path to the garage. But the snow was so powdery (Utah snow) that I ended up pushing it off the whole driveway. I say 'pushing' because that's all I did. I didn't lift anything, it was great. And, since I am 22 weeks pregnant, I figure I should refrain from any kind of snow hefting.
Back to Friday. We bought Addie a snow shovel her size for Christmas, but with this snow we decided to give her a present early (and put her to work). I bundled her up, then sent her out with Corey to clear our paths. Max was TICKED!!! He wanted to go out soooo bad! This did not excite me, because I figured that I'd spend 15 minutes getting him and me bundled, then he'd be out for 2 minutes before he started crying from the cold. And I don't have any snow pants for him yet, but I did find some snow gloves (waterproof), so I thought I'd give it a try. An hour later, I was freezing and the drive and walkways were cleared, so I started hauling kids back inside. Again, he was Ticked! He'd have stayed outside all day if I'd have let him. What a trooper! Addie, too, although I expected that from her. She just loves doing big-kid stuff like that.
Here she is, first braving the snow. The grimace is just the initial shock of the cold, I'm sure.
Doesn't look like he's too excited, huh. That's what I thought, until he started trucking down the driveway trying to catch up to Corey and the snowblower.
Remember how fun it was to eat snow? Now, all I can think about is frozen cheeks and chapped lips as a result of the snow eating. I think I'm getting old. This picture has Addie on her knees, but when she walked down the walk before it was cleared, the snow hit the bottom of her coat. Wisconsin's great, huh?
Corey hauling Max back up the driveway. I thought the noise of the snowblower would be too much for Max, but when I took him from Corey he freaked out. Guess he just wanted some male bonding time.
Like I said before, I wonder why we still live in this place that can bury us so entirely in just a couple hours. Options, I guess.