Sunday, April 6, 2008

Okay, NOW it's spring (we hope)

So we don't have much going on here, but I realized it's been a couple weeks since I last posted, so here are some new photos to enjoy.

Addie loving Max! We don't photograph her beating on him, so we can't show the other 85% of the day.

Spring has finally sprung (I hope, I hope). All the snow has melted, and it's been in the 60's this week. This picture was taken the coldest day this week, low 50's. Now we're just waiting for the rain that will keep us indoors again.

Addie was supposed to be cleaning her room, but she just kept bringing more and more toys to Max - emptying out her toy bins and messing up her room even more.
So Max is now 6 1/2 months old, and I openly nurse him in front of Addie. But this is the first time I've seen this. She's pulled up her shirt so she can 'nurse' her baby. Maybe it's time to start using the cover at home.
Corey's in Augusta, Georgia for the next few days. Anyone know the significance? That's right, it's Master's time, one of the 4 PGA majors. I'm sure we'll have some good photos to post from that trip. He's there with his dad, and a good friend from Utah, Shane, and Shane's dad. I was never considered, not that I feel left out. Walking around for 8 hours watching golf isn't really my cup of tea.
Point of trivia: What does GOLF stand for?
I'll post the answer if no one answers correctly in their comments when we have appropriate pictures.


Jen I said...

Man, that first picture - I feel like I'm looking at Cory with a little body! And Max's head is probably even as big! Just kidding. Ok, now I have a new fear though. Cash already does what I do with the babies to his stuffed dog - suctions his nose, brushes his hair with the baby brush - ok, so that picture of Addie?! Now I'm going to come in and find Cash - nursing a dog?? AAhhh!!

Lofgrens said...

oh my goodnesss! that picture of addie "nursing" her baby is hilarious! It's amazing what they pick up isn't it? Loved the comment on not photographing the "other 85% of the day"! So true, so true.